This is the Message Centre for Researcher 178815

aka ID

Post 1

Micheal Jay Mole

I found a bouncing red ball rolling around. Anyone know whose it is?
"The morning sun is shining like a red rubber ball." Paul Simon, though I cannot remember who sang it.


aka ID

Post 2

Researcher 178815

Boucing Red *blob*! BLOB! smiley - smileysmiley - winkeye

aka ID

Post 3

Micheal Jay Mole

Oops! Bouncing Red >Blob<. Pardon. hee hee smiley - winkeye


aka ID

Post 4

Bouncing Red Blob

I should think so Too! smiley - winkeye

aka ID

Post 5

Researcher 178815

Hey! You stay out of this, Blob! smiley - smiley

aka ID

Post 6

Micheal Jay Mole

Anyone seen the remake of the Steve McQueen cult classic The Blob? Its several years old now but was well done. However, I do not believe it was "red" or "bouncing"; in fact it was quite angry. See it! Fun saturday fright night movie. Have lots of smiley - popcorn!

Blob, you any relation to the Blob on one of the Monty Python episodes? I disremember the episode title but I was great fun. Prince Charming dies of a spot that is, according to version either cancer or gangreen, after which the spot becomes a Bouncing Blob, falls in love with another Blob and generates many baby Bouncing Blobs.

Bounce On!


aka ID

Post 7

Researcher 178815

smiley - ok I will!

Aherm, I mean, I'm sure he will smiley - winkeye heh heh smiley - winkeye

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