This is the Message Centre for Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation

Blocking, blocking, b****y blocking...

Post 1

Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation

School've changed their blocking setup. On the positive side, 99% of porn is blocked rather than 50% so there are plenty of spare machines. On the negative side, they've blocked jokes, sites mentioning/promoting tobacco or alcohol and have also restricted bulletin boards/forums for example . Fortunately, not h2g2 itself...

Whoami? smiley - cake

Blocking, blocking, b****y blocking...

Post 2


My school blocks any url with "game" in it!!


Blocking, blocking, b****y blocking...

Post 3

Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation

They block games too - I don't mind so much, it means there are machines available, at least...

Whoami? smiley - cake

Blocking, blocking, b****y blocking...

Post 4

Blue Bird

I have no idea where do you pick msgs for you?You did not answer on my personal page! I included you too. Wonder about your access to a computer? Eventually hope you'll have your own, or in a University have better and more access.
I got involved with some silly poetry.
Happy Easter to you and Family. smiley - love Gecko <smiley - biggrin>

Blocking, blocking, b****y blocking...

Post 5

Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation

I have been away. You can always contact me by leaving a message at U177581 - my space...

Have a great Easter yourself!

Whoami? smiley - cake

Blocking, blocking, b****y blocking...

Post 6

Lifson Kofie

At my brother's school (which I left 3 years ago (thank God!)) they have banned students accessing or e-mailing anything with the word 'sex' in it.

We live in East Sussex. smiley - doh

Blocking, blocking, b****y blocking...

Post 7

Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation

smiley - laugh That's one for the records, then.

*prints off Lifson's post*

Meanwhile, I'm going to get designing those petition forms...

Whoami? smiley - cake

Blocking, blocking, b****y blocking...

Post 8

Lifson Kofie

smiley - laugh The best bit is that they can't even e-mail each other or the teachers!!! Their e-mail addresses end with !!!

ROTFsmiley - laughMAO

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