This is the Message Centre for AneRikke (Keeper of the Unknown and All Things Misplaced )

Hullo, AneRikke!

Post 1

Pete *not quite dead yet*

Just a random wandering by to say hello!
smiley - smiley
How you doin'? the way, I'm curious, what's the origin of your name?
-Peter, the girl.

Hullo, AneRikke!

Post 2

AneRikke (Keeper of the Unknown and All Things Misplaced )


Its always nice when someone stops by to say hello smiley - smiley

As to the origin of my name, its really simple; My RL firstname is Ane, and I have always wanted Rikke as a middle name.

Why? Because when you put the two names together you get "anerikke" - or "aner ikke" - and that is norwegian for "I have no idea" smiley - cool

(oh - and Im not doing fine at the moment - is only a matter of hours before I have to hand in a rather large report... so now Im procrastinateing as hard as I can... smiley - laugh )

Hullo, AneRikke!

Post 3

Pete *not quite dead yet*

You know, that is pretty dang cool right there, AneRikke...
smiley - biggrin I feel I must call you by your full nick now because that is just too awesome. smiley - winkeye

Break a leg on your report! (I'm a theatre geek) I remember this one time I pulled an all nighter due to procrastination and finished the paper two hours before class.. I did abysmally on that final, but eh, passed the class! smiley - laugh

smiley - cheers

Hullo, AneRikke!

Post 4

AneRikke (Keeper of the Unknown and All Things Misplaced )

Thats my plan tonight as well... (an all nighter that is smiley - yuk) So I'll probably be looking like smiley - skull by the morning... And hopfully I'll pass aswell! smiley - smiley

What kind of theatre geek are you then? Like to play? Or to see? Me - I like to make the scenery (if that is what you calle it in english smiley - huh) and props and be "backstage" smiley - smiley


Hullo, AneRikke!

Post 5

Pete *not quite dead yet*

Eek! A techie! smiley - biggrin As am I.. I'm the particularly scary form of techie known as the stage manager.. smiley - winkeye But I'm not horrible, I swear! smiley - laugh

sea and I have a techie guild at A765524 but it's not quite all there yet, still need to write some more.. smiley - winkeye Consider this your invite.

Break a leg! All nighters are horrid.. and yeah, you do look like smiley - skull in the morning.. and feel like it! Make sure to get LOTS of sleep after you get home.. smiley - smiley

smiley - cheers

Hullo, AneRikke!

Post 6

AneRikke (Keeper of the Unknown and All Things Misplaced )

I'd love to get a lot of sleep when I get home - exept that I can't. I've got a plane to catch in 15 hours... smiley - cdouble And am supposed to be at w*rk tuesday morning... (its now almost monday morning here)

It is going to be my first day there - and Ill be a total mess. smiley - laugh Ohwell - somuch for first impressions... smiley - erm

Nice little guild youve got going smiley - smiley I think I could feel at ease in that guild myself if I may. Im wearing steel-toed boots at this very moment! And I'm very handy with strips and "Gaffa"teip. And I have both a letherman and maglite close at hand in any situation smiley - laugh

AneRikke smiley - sleepy

Hullo, AneRikke!

Post 7

Pete *not quite dead yet*

smiley - biggrin

It's so fun to meet other techies.. In a non-stressful environment, that is.. I'm a techie but I'm not very knowledgeable yet, so I'm still a little intimidated by my peers at the college.. (I can't believe I just used the word "peers" in normal conversation.. smiley - laugh)

Welcome to the Guild! smiley - biggrin I swear, we'll get more written on that thing soon and it will be perty and stuff. smiley - laugh

Oy.. How come you're taking a flight to get to your new work? That's gotta be pretty yucky.. but wow. You're giving yourself a lot of punishment, there, chica.. Yikes. Break a leg! *sends you what little sleep she got last night.. at least all I have to deal with is idiots who can't run copy machines..*

smiley - cheers

-Peter the girl.

Hullo, AneRikke!

Post 8

AneRikke (Keeper of the Unknown and All Things Misplaced )

Well - Im going home to live with my parent for the holiday - and tomorrow is first day at my summerjob at home smiley - laugh As i do not study close to home - I have to fly to get there smiley - smiley

Looking forward to se what you are going to write in the the Guild pages smiley - smiley

What kind of place is it that you are, as you call it, "a techie" in? And what do you do, and so on?


smiley - witch

(they are clad in black as well you know smiley - winkeye)

Hullo, AneRikke!

Post 9

Pete *not quite dead yet*

Ah.. I see! My summer's already about halfway over, unfortunately.. 'Cos I'm starting a new show on July 17th, and then I will have absotively no time. Well maybe not NO time, but it won't all be roses and staying up late like it has been so far. smiley - cry

I'm a techie at my college, San Jose State University. I'm also a part of a club called Performing Artists and Craftsmen (PAC), which is who is sponsoring the show I'm doing this summer.

ACK! My job is evil!! I absolutely hate bugs. HATE bugs. And I had to go kill the ants. So now I've got RAID all over me, and two hours left of my shift.. smiley - grr yucky! Anyway that is just my little rant..

So where are you going to school? And what's your summer job?

smiley - cheers


Hullo, AneRikke!

Post 10

AneRikke (Keeper of the Unknown and All Things Misplaced )

Finnished!!! Pushed the print button! smiley - biggrin The only thing left is to copy some papers that are to go in with it! smiley - wow
smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly Have one you too smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly

I have no idea of what my job is going to be. I think the secretary is on holiday - so ill fill her shoes. And also some painting and washing and stuff. Not exactly funny, but I _need_ the money! What kind of job have you got - are you killing ants all the time?

I go to school (or rather university) in Trondeim. Thats about halfway up in Norway smiley - smiley So ill fly all the way down to Oslo this evening. smiley - zoom

And by the way - thanx for making this awful night a bit lighter to work trough smiley - smiley

AneRikke - smiley - online2long

smiley - strawberries signing off for today

Hullo, AneRikke!

Post 11

Pete *not quite dead yet*

GO ANERIKKE!!! smiley - bubblysmiley - cheerssmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly

I work at a copy shop (Kinko's) as a copy drone. The ants are a new development.. smiley - laugh Usually I'm showing dumb people how to use copy machines. (Honestly, most of them are really DUMB.. *shrugs* but they pay my salary so eh.) Hey, painting is fun.. It's like being back in set construction! smiley - winkeye

*nods* Right on.. do you like your uni?

Anytime! smiley - biggrin Break a leg at your new job, chica.. and then go and get some sleep!! smiley - zzz

-Peter (Passes along some smiley - choc)

Hullo, AneRikke!

Post 12

AneRikke (Keeper of the Unknown and All Things Misplaced )

First day at work - and they hardly have got time to tell me what to do (so I just anser telefones - or rather patch them over to someone that knows better than me smiley - smiley ) Hope to get more/other things to do later.

I do like my university (norwegian university of technology and sience (nuts smiley - smiley ) But after 4 years im looking forward to finnishing tere within a year smiley - smiley And hopefully getting a "real" job smiley - biggrin

(still sleepy)

Hullo, AneRikke!

Post 13

Pete *not quite dead yet*

Eek! Those silly people, don't they know you're terribly important, dangit! smiley - winkeye Hopefully they can find a bit of time to help out the new guy soon..

Right on! I've sill three + more years of uni.. A "real" job eh? smiley - laugh What is real anyway..

-Peter, for whom it's nearly 4AM

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