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... now a major motion picture ...

Post 1


'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is now a major motion picture from Touchstone Pictures'

There's a film tie-in edition of the book for which Robbie Stamp (U5) wrote a long and very interesting afterword and interviewed the leading characters. (ISBN 0-330-43798-4)

It's touching how much all involved seem to have been committed to making a great movie, staying true to DNA's material.

smiley - ta

smiley - stiffdrink

... now a major motion picture ...

Post 2


But hurry before the book disappears!!! smiley - yikes

smiley - run

... now a major motion picture ...

Post 3


smiley - nahnah

WOW!!! :-D

Post 4


smiley - wowsmiley - coolsmiley - biggrinsmiley - bigeyes

Saw it. smiley - biggrin!!! It's packed with smiley - cool details. Very much looking forward to seeing it again! Absolutely perfect casting smiley - wow Some really really wonderful scenes smiley - bigeyes

* off to find out if she can pre-order the DVD with extras and making of and deleted scenes and interviews and behind the camera and and and ... *

WOW!!! :-D

Post 5


That said, I have no idea if the movie 'works' for somebody who doesn't know the story already.

There seem to be quite a lot half finished references which don't really make any sense unless you're familiar with the text.

But it's a VERY smiley - cool movie nonetheless! smiley - biggrin

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