This is the Message Centre for sunny

sunny and Ottox are a pair of shoes?!?

Post 1


hmm, here's what google has to say on the subject of sunny and Ottox

(apart from the h2-pages, obviously):

Ottox is a pair of boots,

sunny's a pair of sandals

Bored, moi?!

smiley - tongueout

sunny and Ottox are a pair of shoes?!?

Post 2


Well, you're certainly a pair of something! Though you *might* find a slightly better metaphor? However, if the shoe fits . . .


notice no corny comment about you two being sole-mates? smiley - winkeye

sunny and Ottox are a pair of shoes?!?

Post 3


very well, erm, non-commented! smiley - winkeye

(ps - will send you a pic for your gallery as 'soon' as we find a fitting one / some fitting ones, btw.)

sunny and Ottox are a pair of shoes?!?

Post 4


smiley - ok

And I'm assuming 'a fitting one' wasn't yet another bad shoe pun?

Yes, send more than one! Most people have been sending in a couple of photos to start off with and then add to them later when they get some other good ones.

smiley - smiley


sunny and Ottox are a pair of shoes?!?

Post 5


*considers sending one from Copenhagen airport*

sunny and Ottox are two pairs of shoes?!?

Post 6


please do, then I get to see it as well! smiley - bigeyessmiley - winkeye

(and you're assuming correctly, az)

smiley - footprints

sunny and Ottox are two pairs of shoes?!?

Post 7



You have another photo for the gallery??? Please do send it. smiley - smiley


sunny and Ottox are two pairs of shoes?!?

Post 8


I have piles of photos. smiley - winkeye (And digital camera.)

sunny and Ottox are two pairs of shoes?!?

Post 9

(crazyhorse)impeach hypatia

far too straight laced

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