A Conversation for flight simulators

Flea Market: A555158 flight simulators

Post 1



a general article on the specific genre of computer games that simulates aircraft.
pleas give me some input so i can improve both style and format of it

thanks in advance, schurem

A555158 flight simulators

Post 2


Nice content again. smiley - smiley I like that last paragraph, it's a real good ending.

~ANYWAY~, you know how I don't like all-lowercase (even though my name is iaoth, which makes me some kind of a hippo-critic, whatever that is smiley - winkeye), and it could use some headers (and perhaps subheaders) like "A very brief history". In addition, I'm not sure if it's a good idea to actually mention some of the games, since that information might be outdated before this Entry makes into the Edited Guide. On the other hand, how could one possible write an Entry about flight simulators and then ~not~ mention some of them? I dunno. smiley - erm

A555158 flight simulators

Post 3


actually i wrote this one before the orange one. i also found it of less quality, but if you like the content, i'll tidy it up :D
i'll put a disclaimer in with the references to the sims i named, something like at the time of writing these were fairly hot.
also, the ones i named all stem from a long line of similarly named predecessors and will probably spawn successors with similar names too (falcon V for example)

A555158 flight simulators

Post 4


Ok, sounds good. Good luck! smiley - smiley

A555158 flight simulators

Post 5


done, formatted, punctuated and cleansed of all errors

A555158 flight simulators

Post 6

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

There are still some typos left, and you could use some s in the list of simulators. But these are peanuts!

This is a great entry, and you should take it to Peer Review, now!

Alas, seeing you haven't been around for some time, I shall be doing that in two weeks time smiley - winkeye

Bossel (Scout)

Thread Moved

Post 7

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Editorial Note: This conversation has been moved from 'The Writing Workshop' to 'The Flea Market'.

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