This is the Message Centre for Kate

Speaking of time...

Post 1


You know, it's really not fair that you were up in the middle of the night wandering around here just *after* I was. I mean, it's not like I was able to fall asleep right away even then. Grrr, stupid time. smiley - winkeye

Speaking of time...

Post 2


I know! I read your journal entry about that and was about to post a "grr" also - I must have missed you by no more than an hour. I hear you on the time thing, too, I seem incapable of breaking out of the getting to sleep at 5am, getting up at noon - 2pm deal. It's getting completely out of control. The last two nights I've even gotten into bed at 2 or 3, tried to read myself to sleep or watch a movie, but as it happens I've been picking really interesting books and movies, and I end up finishing them and BAM, it's 5am. I guess I really should cut out the coffee, not that it seems to make a difference one way or another. But as you say, change is difficult smiley - winkeye

Speaking of time...

Post 3


And I saw your name on the who's on list when I was on earlier this afternoon. It gets worse and worse! smiley - winkeye

I was going to just go to sleep, but now it looks like I'll stay up for Third Watch. Hehe. Then I'll probably be up yet later, even though I'm tired. Sleep should be eliminated. Let's see if we can get some of Bill Gate's foundation money to study the possibilities of elminating the need to sleep. smiley - winkeye

Speaking of time...

Post 4

what you know as km

What I'd like to know is what's wrong with going to sleep at 5AM and getting up between noon and 2PM... I mean, if it weren't for the thing about fixed school hours (*grumble*) I'd be all for such sleep habits.

Cause daylight is overrated... it's hot out there.

If, however, it were a nice cold place, I might feel otherwise.

Oh. Okay, so forget I asked.

Speaking of time...

Post 5


Hm, well, I didn't stay up, I fell asleep! I got up at 5 and there was... snow! Hm, so I hurried to outrun the stuff. All I had to do was drive west a bit, and there was no snow. So oh, well, skipped Washington for now, cos they got buried in the stuff. Back in Pittsburgh. And yes, I'd likely be all for such sleep hours too as long as I could make a living doing something in those hours. smiley - winkeye

Speaking of time...

Post 6

what you know as km

You could be an exotic dancer.

Speaking of time...

Post 7


That's actually next on the list of career attempts, KM, how did you guess? Now all I have to do is learn how to be a) exotic and b) a dancer. I'll keep you posted...

Greg - glad you made it back to Pittsburgh unscathed! Lovely driving conditions we're having, eh? smiley - winkeye

Speaking of time...

Post 8

Classic Krissy

I can stay up as late as you like, but get up early? NO! why? Why would I want to do that? I'm not a farmer. Life is exciting at night!! Day is just ol' DAY and who needs that? And...

Um. I'll go take my pills.

Coffee anyone?

Speaking of time...

Post 9


Oh, for the love of Bob, yes please smiley - smiley

Speaking of time...

Post 10

Classic Krissy

*pours several cups of coffee*

How's that whole "sleep" thing commin' along Kate? smiley - smiley

Speaking of time...

Post 11


Sleep...don't talk to me about sleep smiley - winkeye

Speaking of time...

Post 12

Classic Krissy

Fair enough. smiley - smiley

How's that whole coffee thing comming for you, Kate?

Speaking of time...

Post 13


I must say Ms. Krissy Lee, you brew a fine cup of (virtual) coffee smiley - smiley

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