This is the Message Centre for Kate

Well...say a little bit more!

Post 21

what you know as km

Well if you walk to Miami via NYC, you can count on finding some really fabulous shoes. But not for walking in.

And FAO Schwarz.

Well...say a little bit more!

Post 22


I vote on walking to Miami via Paris. I have flippers!
*Holds up flippers*

Well...say a little bit more!

Post 23

Classic Krissy

Ummm...umm.... *races around trying to outdoo walking to Miami via Paris with flippers*

AHA! *holds up Spaceman Spiff outfit*

How about via the Moon???

Well...say a little bit more!

Post 24


I'll walk to Miami!

No, wait, all that water kind of gets in the way. Hmm.

Via the Moon may work. No water that-a-way.

Got a spare one of those spaceman spiff suits, Krissy?

Well...say a little bit more!

Post 25

beetle, return of

Tell you what, i'll get a tour bus and pick everyone up. Sound good?

Well...say a little bit more!

Post 26

what you know as km

Oooh, can we paint it first?
It needs to say FLOOR42 in big rainbowey letters.

With a fish.

Well...say a little bit more!

Post 27


Ah-Oh! Magic Bus!

Well...say a little bit more!

Post 28

Classic Krissy

*feels comfortable enough to dance in with huge cans of paint, paintbrushes, bubble-blowing solution, several buckets, a cat, and a hoola-hoop*

*looks around*

Now we're ready to paint.

Well...say a little bit more!

Post 29


Ohhhh! I bags the cat! That'll make a nice effect with the paint...

Well...say a little bit more!

Post 30


*Whispers to Nigel* ...Now, you're doing this for the sake of ART, understand? AR...darnit, listen to me, cat! Arr...awww, just put him in the bag already.

Well...say a little bit more!

Post 31

Classic Krissy

OOOOOoooo! Look at the way the squirming and clawing makes the paint splatter!!


"a little bit more!"

Post 32


~We're all going on a Summer Holiday...~

"a little bit more!"

Post 33

Classic Krissy

*blows different colour paint bubbles all over the van*

*gets paint all over her face*

*smears the cat bag and her face all over the van*

Oooooo.... *holding noisy-kitty-pain-kit out to Amanda* Wanna try?

"a little bit more!"

Post 34


Yes, please. smiley - smiley What do you think

"a little bit more!"

Post 35

beetle, return of

I think blue is an absolutly smurfy color!

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