This is the Message Centre for Kate

When I wake up, well I know I'm gonna be, I'm gonna be the man wakes up next to you.

Post 1

Classic Krissy

Well, ok, not really.

But I wanted to make sure that I stopped by and waved.


Hi! smiley - smiley I love you Kate!



And I would walk five hundred miles

Post 2


I LOVE IT!!! Yeah! I finally get to have a good song in my head!

Thanks Krissy!!! I love you too! What's new? smiley - smiley

And I would walk five hundred miles

Post 3

beetle, return of

i just wanted to say..

Benny and Joon

wonderful date movie

If I haver...

Post 4


"Well I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the man who's haverin' to you!"

But then, don't we all do that, always...smiley - winkeye?

And I would walk five hundred miles

Post 5

what you know as km

Would you believe I have the sheet music for that song?

I dunno. I hardly believe it myself. I know not from whence it came... just that I've got it, and I never bothered learning how to play it.

Er, sorry, irrelevant. *waves to Kate*

And I would walk five hundred more

Post 6


Hmm. It's not the kind of song for which you would have thought sheet music existed unless someone had told you they had it.

That's what I belie... er, proclaim.

And I would walk five hundred more

Post 7

what you know as km

I agree completely.

With the minor alteration of substituting "you" for "they."

But apart from that, completely.

And I would walk five hundred more

Post 8


While I'm here, can I just point out that those guys have really cool accents? "..wakes up naixt tü yooü.."

Thank you, thank you all very much. smiley - smiley

And I would walk five hundred more

Post 9


Well, I haver! *You have to say it all indignant like to get the full feeling*'d never guess they were Scottish. smiley - winkeye anyhoo...

*Waves to Kate* smiley - smiley

And I would walk five hundred more

Post 10


*be's the man that walked a thousand miles to fall down at your door*

And I would walk five hundred more

Post 11


Nah. I was going to say something, but I changed my mind. smiley - winkeye

And I would walk five hundred more

Post 12

Classic Krissy

I suppose if your guy walked 1000 miles to fall down at your door, you should actually be worried he might not get up. I mean, I'm not in the best shape, and if I was the one that had to do the walking....even with the correct footware.....

I just don't know.

Maybe if I could check in to hotels along the way.

And I would walk five hundred more

Post 13


You'd need to massage his calves when he got there, at the very least.
Probably best after a shower, though.

And I would walk five hundred more

Post 14

Classic Krissy

*grinning and pointing*

Who's just EVIL???

"massage" eh? "shower" eh? "CALVES" eh?

We all know what you mean you dirty-minded individual!

And I would walk five hundred more

Post 15


...and rehydrate him too, most probably. Fluids are important.

And I would walk five hundred more

Post 16


*Realizes just how bad that looks under the circumstances...*

Say no MORE!

Post 17

what you know as km

Oh dear. I shall be very displeased should this create a walking-to-Miami trend.

Say no MORE!

Post 18

Classic Krissy

HEY! I have an idea! Let's walk to Miami!

Well...say a little bit more!

Post 19


*Sigh* If you say so...

*Starts stretching her calves*


They don't like it much.

Well...say a little bit more!

Post 20

Classic Krissy

I say we stop all this cow stretching and run out and buy appropriate footware. And also other footware. For instance, a nice heel to go with that new skirt I've had my eye on.

I also need new socks and stuff.

Shall we shop? We have just TONS of time to walk to Miami.

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