This is the Message Centre for Obi Shawn

G'day Obi Shawn

Post 1

King Cthulhu of Balwyniti

G'day and welcome to h2g2. It's unfortunate that it took this tragedy to bring you to the site, but be sure that the community will persevere. Very nice artwork on your site, btw. smiley - smiley It can be daunting to jump into such a large, vibrant online community, but be sure that everyone here will welcome you very warmly, not just in the shadows of grief which will last for weeks, but in the time to come as (and if) you decide to get actively involved in the guide. For now, the best advice I can give you is to simply lurk, an ACE will be by soon (if not already by the time I post this) to give you the official spiel and a whole range of useful links, but for now feel free to visit my space (just click on my name) or hit reply if you want to chat or have questions to ask.

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