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I'm gonna post here again

Post 1

Classic Krissy

Mostly 'cause I can. smiley - smiley

I have to drop in and C my C!

Thanks for playing my quiz. You just cheer everybody up! smiley - smiley

I'm gonna post here again

Post 2


Oh my, Krissy - I missed this for so long! I had stopped stopping by here since it took too long. Maybe the new servers will help.

Thanks for the quiz - it was sooo fun! The others are fun too, but yours was just perfect! smiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smiley

I'm gonna post here again

Post 3

an apple tree

perfect like a spring day with ducklings?

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Post 4

Classic Krissy

You KNOW it. Nothin's yummier than a spring day with ducklings in orange sauce.

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Post 5

an apple tree

makes note that introducing krissy to certain habitats may not do the native fauna populations too much good

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Post 6


*rushes in with popcorn to feed ducks*

Did I miss it? Are the duckies gone?

*Notices pot of orange sauce and changes gears*

Mmmmm, duck a l'orange!

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Post 7

an apple tree

i'm requiring some research help here...
do duck steaks, put in the toaster, come out more appetizing than before they went in?

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Post 8


why yes, yes they do! But one must be careful to immerse the toaster in water whilst plugging it in - otherwise they come out too crispy.

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Post 9

an apple tree

i like my things crispy. i like that single wisp of black smoke that exumes when my things are finally crispy enough. i like living in fear that exume is not actually a word or that if it is i actually have no idea of it's meaning and use it with wild incorrectability every time

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Post 10

Classic Krissy

Exhume is what you do to a body when you dig it up. If you're lucky it stays dead.

I know this because.... I.. read... about it...


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Post 11

an apple tree've dug up the body you then proceed with the EXHUMING or the process of digging is known as exhuming? i need to know this pretty soon to avoid my face completely cramping up as a result of my suspicious squinting

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Post 12


um, the body I exhummed - erm, you know, dug up - was not totally dead, but it didn't make it. And though that sounds suspicious it really wasn't. I mean, nobody caught me or anything.

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Post 13

an apple tree

until NOW!!!
*prepares various alleyways*

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Post 14

Classic Krissy

*stands by with paint to paint irridescent arrows directing our escape that only we will be able to see with our special irridescent sunglasses that also make us look kick-ass cool*

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Post 15


Krissy, oooh, I *love* those sunglasses. Can mine have a butterfly image on them? smiley - smiley

And do you think we should put the body back? Or at least the parts we can still find?

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