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Is C still
Si Started conversation Jul 19, 1999
Unemployment? Secret projects? MCP?
There are beans to be spilled here, I can feel it?
Is C still
C Posted Jul 22, 1999
Shit, I thought I swept up all those damn beans when the sack was accidentally kicked over.
Si, I had to look you up (nice signature graphic!) to figure out who you once were. I see by your active posts that you are enjoying h2g2 quite well. I should try it here more - seems DNA Community forum is not so popular since the advent of this site. But some of us (such as Jonny and Ant and others I think you may have met?) were also hanging out at Kate's floor42. Alas, I have been missing it all but hope to get back soon.
Is C still
Si Posted Jul 22, 1999
Yes, I like this site, it has all the best bits of ScfiSites and the DNA forums combined. Add to that the opportunity to contribute to the real Guide and you've got a winner, IMO.
The DNA forums are still ticking over, just slowly. The secret (shhh) bits seem to be as active as anywhere else (remember GHP's number and the Chat forum?)
BTW, the subject was supposed to be Is C still "out there", but the last bit SMEFed somehow.
Have a fish (where is he, anyhow?)
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