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*hugs ant*
Ant Posted Dec 9, 1999
*is hugged* I'm just wondering why she's hugging me here? *makes Jonny hug tree too*
*hugs ant*
Jonny Posted Dec 9, 1999
*Feels strange urge to hug tree*
*hugs tree and tries not to think about South Park*
*hugs ant*
Jonny Posted Dec 9, 1999
Dammmm!!! That was what I was trying not to think about.
Suddenly recall something from Saturday Night Fry:
Stephen Fry: "So Hugh, what have you been doing this week?"
Hugh Laurie: "I've been drinking to forget."
Stephen: "Forget? Forget what?"
Hugh: "I don't know I've forgotten."
Stephen: "So, a successful week then, by and large. Turning to Jim Broadbent..."
Hugh: "Damn! That was what I was trying to forget, Jim's surname."
It seemed funny at the time.
*hugs ant*
an apple tree Posted Dec 9, 1999
explanitary note to self (pay no attention): actually i snorted Before i ehehehed..but that's where the sense is, see? i was eheheheing Whilst i wrote of it, but i had to Remember to snort, because i had already done that.
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*hugs ant*
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