This is the Message Centre for Kittana's Dad


Post 1

Silly Willy The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy: Earth Edition.

Yesterday was a very sad day for h2g2. Douglas Adams passed away. To pay your condolances please visit his h2g2 space -

If you need any help please leave a message below.
smiley - silly


Post 2

Kittana's Dad

Thanks willy! What's almost as sad is that it took the passing of my favorite author to clue me in to his wonderful site! I'm sure I'll need lots of help in the near future getting used to this AWESOME community! Thanks again!


Post 3

Silly Willy

Normally, I would have greeted you like this:

There are two aspects to h2g2 - Conversations and Guide Entries.

This is a conversation, and it's pretty exciting stuff once you've got too know how it works! It's all pretty obvious, you click reply to reply, and the screaming face thing to complain!
The really hoopy thing is all the smileys we have to play with!
smiley - tongueoutsmiley - smiley - winkeyesmiley - fish

The conversations give h2g2 a sense of community, here are some things that also make it special:
Researchers Birthdays Page -
The ACEs Homepage -
Ask the Community -
Don't Panic (The help pages!) -

Guide Entries are the source from which conversations flow. They can be about anything at all, in many ways your space is a guide entry.
They can be written in either plain text or GuideML. More about this here -
To distinguish between entries which are merely for fun and ones which are informative about a given subject, a system of reviewing exists. Please join in here -

Finally, if you have any problems or you just want to chat, reply below!

smiley - silly

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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