This is the Message Centre for Arthur Dent

Oh I am a scout

Post 1

Arthur Dent

Yep I am now a h2g2 scout see i even got my badge.

Oh I am a scout

Post 2

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

See you on the Peer Review, and welcome to the gang! smiley - smiley

Bossel (another Scout)

Oh I am a scout

Post 3

Arthur Dent

When does my name appera on the scout list.

Oh I am a scout

Post 4

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

This *should* already have happened, but obviously Mark hasn't got around to it yet. Perhaps you give him some time till Monday afternoon or so (On Monday mornings he is always very busy).

More important is that you have access to the eGroup!

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