This is the Message Centre for Pandora (Trouble Goddess Extraordinaire)

Fun in the (somewhat) sun

Post 1

Pandora (Trouble Goddess Extraordinaire)

If anybody cares......
Today I went to learn to rollerblade. I figured that the $25 pair of used blades I had would be sufficient to an utter novice like myself, so I packed up the roommate and made him teach me to use them. As it was my day off, and I do so like to share, we tried to convince others that it would be a lovely idea to join us, but to no avail. Nobody wanted to share my day off with me, including my roommate, who was on his damn cell phone and thinking about work in his own personal la-la land all day. Ah well. Even among others, I am forced to play by myself. I still had a fabulous time, didn't fall once, despite spending the money on a set of pads I was pretty sure I would need. Also fortunately, I do not believe we were outside long enough to aggravate my already-peeling sunburn from Thursday (which is another extremely long story in and of itself, involving Run DMC, a picnic and bonfire in high winds, baseball, a jazz band, a trip to a foreign land, and a drug-sniffing dog), and so that also made me happy. I did, however, make sure to run out and purchase SPF 9000 for my next outing into the daytime world. So I now have the roller-blading thing down pat, it's a lot of fun, you should try it. It's the stopping part that still needs work. Tune in next week for my trip to the zoo!!

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