This is the Message Centre for Uncanny

Hi Researcher 171974

Post 1

Zathras (Unofficial Custodian of H2G2 Room 101. ACE and holder of the BBC Pens)

Hello, I'm Zathras and I am an Assisstant Community Editor (ACE), and I'd like to welcome you to h2g2!

If you are finding H2G2 a bit confusing and bewildering (I know I did at first) there are lots of options to get help.

For now, if you need any help either click the help button to get access to the help documentation or, if you prefer a more human(?) face simply reply to this message - I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

If you're planning to dive straight in that's fantastic (I notice you've already written an article)- but before you start writing articles you may want to check out

It's an introduction to GuideML, which is a ML (like HTML) we use in the Guide. It's very easy to use, and makes Guide entries look so much better.

Remeber if you need help or just want to have a chat, feel free to reply to this message.


Hi Researcher 171974

Post 2

Pandora (Trouble Goddess Extraordinaire)

Hallo Darling....

Aren't you glad I showed you this big bad H2G2 thingy? This will be a most entertaining venture...FISH! must read EVERYTHING that this boy has to write...if nothing else, it is always's what he does...this man is a professional...the poster boy for don't try this at home!

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