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A Short Story

Post 1


this is a story i rewrote. this should let you know more about me.

The Wave

Wind blew over the immense ocean giving birth to tiny ripples. Each ripple would soon grow into a wave. And each wave would contribute to the growth of every wave surrounding it. Among these ripples was Tiny Ripple; named that way for obvious reasons.

Tiny Ripple loved life. And with life he flowed. His innocent movements were not without flaw. He got stuck several times, unable to move forward; sometimes because his larger neighbors crossed his path; sometimes because he was feeling lazy and did not want to move. But he soon realized that movement was his nature and going against it would only kill him. And Tiny Ripple did not want to die.

So he learnt to overcome his flaws. He learnt never to be lazy; he learnt never to let others stop him from growing. As he overcame his flaws, he grew in size and strength. Tiny Ripple was now called Big Wave.

One day Big Wave noticed that he was unknowingly restricting the movement of smaller waves. His realization taught him to be compassionate. His compassion made him to carry the smaller waves along with him. And as he did so, he grew in size, strength and speed.

They say you find true happiness when you work towards your destiny. Big Wave was now in harmony with his destiny. He was happy and he shared his happiness with his friends and neighbors. He grew more.

One day in his joy he jumped high. And when he did that, he saw the shore in a distance. He fell. He understood that when he reached the shore, he would die. He had always thought that movement was what kept him alive. Now he saw that if he moved, he would die. Depressed, he slowed down. He became gloomy. As he grew sad, he grew weak. As he grew weak, his friends got separated from him. For they moved at the same rate as before and he had slowed down.

Wind who had caused his birth and had seen his rise was concerned. He spoke to Weak Wave who had been Big Wave.

'What is the matter with you? Why have you stopped moving?'

'Can't you see, I am a wave and the shore is close. When I reach it I'll be dead. I'll be nothing.', he said with a sad note in his voice.

Wind could not help laughing. 'Silly fellow. You think you are a wave?'

Weak Wave was surprised. 'What do you mean?', he asked.

'Wake up boy', Wind said, 'you are not a wave. You are the Ocean.'

As realization dawned on him Weak Wave started laughing. He laughed as he never did before. He thanked Wind as he started gaining speed. But this time he did not become Big Wave. He now was the Ocean.

A Short Story

Post 2

Gullibility Personified


A Short Story

Post 3


Ditto on the wow.

That moved me, thankyou for sharing who you are in such a special way, I know I could never write like that. Let me know if you want it linked to by the community page. I really think you should.

SallyM smiley - smiley

A Short Story

Post 4


sorry I can usually proof read stuff. It should say

Let me know if you want it linked to the community page

A Short Story

Post 5


thank you sir and maam. if you think, the story would help people, please do link it to any page you wish to.

and please do not worry about grammatical errors. they don't matter. (i am not good at writing too. i just write what i have in mind, without worrying about grammar or syntax.) if you wish to say something to me, please do so in any way you are comfortable with.

thank you once again.

A Short Story

Post 6

Ruppinger ~ zaphodista ~ former keeper of vegan affairs ~ new keeper of rainbows, until the old one shows up again

Beautiful story. And very wise!

Do you like The Grateful Dead?

A Short Story

Post 7

Gullibility Personified

The Grateful Dead?

A Short Story

Post 8


yeah! i did listen to the grateful dead a couple of times. i like them.

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