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Welcome to the Guide noBody

Post 1


Hi there and welcome to The Hitch Hikers Guide noBody ... My name is Greebo T. Cat, and me is an Assistant Community Editor here at H2G2. If you need any help then ask away, me will try to help all me can.

Here is a handy link to a page me wrote for new researchers to the guide such as yourself, it has several links to parts of the guide that you might like to visit. So if you have the time, why not pop over to

You have indeed have found somebody... but if me is the somebody you seek me not know... sometimes it is better to seek than to find... because while seeking you have no exspectations to break... but if found...somebody might not live up to your ideals...

Hope you enjoy it here at the guide...

Greebs... xx

Welcome to the Guide noBody

Post 2


thank you greebo. thanks for your advice.

i have no expectations greebo. except maybe that i shall get out of this labyrinth. and yeah i have absolutely no expectations about my teacher. he or she or it can behave or look or be whatever they please. the only help my teachers can give me is to probably make me realize that i am already there. yeah i know it. but i haven't yet grasped it completely. hopefully this is where i shall...

thanks again for your warm welcome.

(and yeah, i liked the banner ads here. my compliments to you [if you made them])


Welcome to the Guide noBody

Post 3


Hi again... no it wasn;t me who made the banner ads... what me is refering to in my name is that fact that a cat appears in the ads... and me is a cat in name... ~grin~

Welcome to the Guide noBody

Post 4

Sad, Mad or Bad? - I always wanted to be a dino, but alas, I'm just old.

And a very smiley - cool cat too! smiley - donut

Welcome from me too! smiley - smiley

Welcome to the Guide noBody

Post 5


hi greebo. i could use some help from you. could you please tell me if there is a way i can go through all the entries on h2g2. please do let me know.

Welcome to the Guide noBody

Post 6

Ruppinger ~ zaphodista ~ former keeper of vegan affairs ~ new keeper of rainbows, until the old one shows up again

I think the best way is you go to your 'my space'- side, where you can check the latest postings to your entries.

"student seeks master"
Well, in Afrika, they have the saying: "It need's a whole village, to educate a child." - so maybe you can profit from several masters here.

"should have seen god"
This reminds me of an experience I once had on LSD.
But actually I don't feel fit to be anybody's master (except of my children, kind of).

Welcome to the Guide noBody

Post 7


Hello again noBody... if you want to find something specific in the guide... use the search option on your page... this will bring up lots of pages for you to look through...


Welcome to the Guide noBody

Post 8


thank you greebo.

and thank you ruppinger. yeah i do agree 'its take more than a village to teach a child'. consider me one of your children (if you think i am worthy), and please teach (whatever you can).

thanks once again.

Welcome to the Guide noBody

Post 9


~Grin~... me is not sure me can call myself a master...

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