This is the Message Centre for The H2G2 Editors

An asset for everyone...

Post 1

An intrepid Baha'i researcher

Dear DNA

I love the way you think - the way you have always thought. I can just imagine someone sitting at a table in a cafe, with a folded newspaper and palm computer trained on H2G2, and about to reach for his packet of Rich Tea, when an entry on the dangers of inadvertantly opening and consuming someone else's biscuits catches his eye. This guide might conceivably change the world as we know it.

My only contribution to this future vision of comprehensive guidance on life, the universe and everything for all is that of a request for a few minor aditions to the interface of H2G2 itself. I humbly ask for alt tags to be included in all images and image maps to enable ocularly challenged carbon-based life forms such as myself to gain best access.

I use speech output to use a computer, and surfing's no exception. Alt tags make life so much easier - especially when the image that is lacking one is some vital hyperlink.

Thanks H2G2 team.


An asset for everyone...

Post 2

Mewtwo and Vekura (Pokémon League: A285905. Be a superhero: A380396)


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