This is the Message Centre for The H2G2 Editors


Post 1


We will wait for DA text - but quick the pictures too big covering up the text get it right before the big tw launch tonight at 7.30 BBC!!


Post 2


Thanks Peta - we're on to it! smiley - smiley



Post 3

Jim Lynn

Yeah - that was my fault. 4am in the morning, grabbing the first picture of Douglas
I could find on his site, then finding I had to edit it to remove a border, and I probably
saved it out at the wrong resolution. By that stage my eyes were so blurry I couldn't
tell. I'm sure we'll fix it eventually. I'd fix it now only I'm at te British Library rehearsing
for the broadcast.


Post 4

Industrial Gila Dolphin

I have a question, is Mr. Adams going to get that same sort of superfont to his entries liike at so that we know it's really him and not some cheeky fan lamely attempting to be funny?


Post 5

Jim Lynn

Eventually. But you can confirm it's him because only Douglas has a researcher ID of 42. Click on his name in the forum and it goes to his user page.


Post 6

Marty De Facto

Excellent idea/page/site/psychosis. You can almost see the words "digital book deal" hovering over the horizon...Somebody's horizon..

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