This is the Message Centre for The H2G2 Editors

We wish you...

Post 1

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

...were here to celebrate your 50th birthday with us.smiley - cry

We miss you greatly, and we will never forget you.smiley - cuddle

All our love,
Annie aka Archangel Galaxy Babe & the Guardian Angels smiley - flyhi

smiley - kiss

We wish you...

Post 2

Tilly - back in mauve

Happy birthday, wherever you are smiley - earth

We wish you...

Post 3

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

I wish I'd joined earlier, when DNA was still with us... smiley - cry It would have been my greatest honour to talk with the man who destroyed Earth, not for money, power or sadistic pleasure, but for the need to cure interstellar traffic congestion. DNA, I salute you... smiley - wah

We wish you...

Post 4


Trust me to end in hospital the week of DNA's Birthday...

We miss you Douglas

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