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CU at the Restaurant at the End Of The Universe

Post 1

Researcher 178548

Douglas Adams, gone, but not forgotten. Probably testing the latest infinite improbability drive even as we mourn hos sad loss.
He gave me and so many others the greatest gift any human can give another - no. not love, that is a fickle and double edged sword. He gave us laughter: joyful good humour, bellyaching, sidesplitting raucous - but subtle - humour, and when all the serious postulations - dare I say Deep Thoughts? - have long ceased to lay claim to our consideration, Douglas Adams' irreverent but enduring cosmos will still shine as a fountain of wit and philosophy - who could disagree with the premise that 'he who most wants to be elected is always the person most unsuitable for the job?"
The mice, the dolphons, even the revolting Vogons must surely be mourning the passing of Douglas Adams.
Certainly, this monkeyman is.
Rest in Peace, and God Speed.

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CU at the Restaurant at the End Of The Universe

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