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An asteroid named Dent

Post 1


I just read over in a usenet group, that they named an asteroid ArthurDent, the coincedence is that it was named on the day DNA passed on.
The story is over on [URL removed by moderator] , run a search as I'm sure the url will get "moderated"


Post 2


This post has been removed.

An asteroid named Dent

Post 3


Thanks for the information Benji Mouse smiley - winkeye
Hi... I'm shazzPRME btw, yet another Ace, but I won't bore you with all that just now... nice to meet you! smiley - hug
A very clever way around the small URL quirk we have in place...
*rushes off to check it out* smiley - ok

shazz smiley - magic

An asteroid named Dent

Post 4


enjoy it, as it has ben already moderated. One should think that a url for something like that would be granted temporary immunity. Perhaps I'm viewing a glimpse of the slick offices of the guide after the success went to its head? Ford would not approve.
Oh well, lets see...
[URL removed by moderator]
Puts on wooden shoes ( Sabot ) And Tages away!

An asteroid named Dent

Post 5


Thats my last skirting of the rules, I promise to be... well ...
I'll not do that again, as being well behaved is not one of my strong points.

An asteroid named Dent

Post 6

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Thank you for creating a thread where I could feel at home offering my belated condolences to everybody in the world for our losing DNA.

The one good thing is, his mind was so large that we all still fit in it quite comfortably.

an asteroid named Lil

An asteroid named Dent

Post 7

Zathras (Unofficial Custodian of H2G2 Room 101. ACE and holder of the BBC Pens)

Could I suggest you put the URL on your personal space and use that link.

I don't think an exception could be made for moderation here. Given the sheer volume of comments following DNAs death they probably need to be more strict in enforcing the URL ruling since checking them all out later (as you seem to be suggesting) would be a huge undertaking.


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