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Radio Play, where can I get it?

Post 1


Listened to the two record set, and remembered that I liked the original broadcast much more. Is the original broadcast radio play available for purchase somewhere?
Thanks in advance

Radio Play, where can I get it?

Post 2


The full series is available on BBC cassettes. These are definitely still available as I saw copies in my local MVC yesterday. There was a box set available years ago; bought mine in '89.
Hope this helps.
By the way if it's still available it would be well worth getting a copy of the book of the original radio series scripts which is excellent.

Radio Play, where can I get it?

Post 3

The New Floyd


You can now get it on CD as well. There are 2 CDs. The first called Primary Phase contains episodes 1-6, and the next called Secondary Phase contains episodes 7-12. You can order them from UK. See the links below.

[links removed by moderator]
Hope this helps...


Radio Play, where can I get it?

Post 4

Rush That Speaks

I got all six disks (twelve episodes) in one box published by Time-Warner (yeah, the beast of the apocalyse itself) Audio Books for around $50 (list price $65).
I canot tell you what a good purchase it was to hear (again) the guide in it's best version.
With hours of material neverincluded in the trilogy (episodes 7-12).

Radio Play, where can I get it?

Post 5


Hey NewFloyd, the mod deleted the link you posted. Could you send the link to [email protected] ? Thanks.

Radio Play, where can I get it?

Post 6


Hi Benji.smiley - smiley

I can tell you that the cassettes (and I believe, CDs also) are available from whsmith online, as I bought them myself last year. I have also seen them for sale (at a much higher price!) in a BBC shop. You should be able to find whsmithonline easily.smiley - winkeye They are UK based, however they will ship books, etc, anywhere in the world. If you have any problems obtaining them or finding the website, let me know, and also let me know where you reside (ie UK, USA, etc).smiley - smiley

Pegasus ~carrying a black towel~

Radio Play, where can I get it?

Post 7


I always thought the double vinyl album (and the single 'Restaurant At The...' album WERE the original radio plays? I picked up both at a market 12 years ago for £5...a bargain.
I think there is much confusion about the design of the books as well as they have been re-printed over and over. I seem to remember seeing a big silver hardback version with some red ball-like thing with it's tongue out? Whats that all about then?

Thank you for years of enjoyment.

Radio Play, where can I get it?

Post 8


The album is different yet again. I think it's closer to an interpretation of the books. The radio series is quite drastically different from later versions.

I acquired what seemed to be a very unusual version of 'Restaurant' in paperback a few months ago, but on looking at websites, and reading the blurb, it appears to be the cover for the US market (or at least, one of the previous ones). The thing sticking it's tongue out is similarly from a US book cover... but don't ask me what it's relevance is, cause I haven't figured that out yet!

I noticed in W H Smith yesterday that all the Hitchhiker books have different covers now, and the 'four-part trilogy' at £9.99 looked especially pleasing as a gift. Wasn't what I went in for though. Ho hum.

Pegasus ~carrying a black towel~

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