This is the Message Centre for The H2G2 Editors

The Film

Post 1

James "Patmandude" Paterson

I would just like to say that as one small voice in the empty void Douglas Adams has left behind, I for one would like not to see the film produced.

I do not think anyone could lead it like Mr Adams and I feel that no attempt should be made.

Douglas Adams, I never knew you but your passing has hit me hard.


The Film

Post 2

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

James, we are all grieving.
Please activate your personal space so I may have a chat with you there?
Just type a little introduction...then I can message you.

Galaxy Babe

The Film

Post 3

James "Patmandude" Paterson

Okay, its now open, sorry for the delay.

The Film

Post 4


The only way I could even consider the idea of a movie being done without DNA, is if it were kept as far away from Hollywood as possible!

The Film

Post 5


If the movie was done right it could easly be a tribute to DNA. The key here is to keep Holywoods hands out of it.

The Film

Post 6


The film

Post 14 on thread


The Film

Post 7


The film has to be made in England and nowhere else! There is no other country which has enough geeks to fill Doug`s humorous Universe with life!!!



The Film

Post 8

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I heard the film was being made by Disney Studios...I hope it is finished. Douglas Adams will earn a new generation of fans.smiley - smiley

The Film

Post 9


Mr. Adams wish was a funny and tolerant future in which people and Slimeballs can live together without eating or hurting each other. You mustnĀ“t eat the film or even hurt it. So let the producers make their thing, I think they`ll do pretty fine.



Grieving ...

Post 10


When I picked up the paper this morning and read the news, I went back upstairs, got out of my suit, and went to work in black polo-neck, black jeans, black shoes & socks. It suited my mood.

I couldn't find the black button on the black background ...


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