This is the Message Centre for Lady Pennywhistle - Back with a vengeance! [for a certain, limited value of Vengeance; actual amounts of Vengeance may vary]
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fluffykerfuffle Started conversation Mar 4, 2011
hello Lady Pennywhistle
we have never crossed paths but i have recently noticed you and some of your pals wandering around having little adventures... and i greatly admire the writing abilities of you and your cohorts
i love this place hootoo
since i came on here 4 years ago i have enjoyed a few little adventures here too
i love the ...spaces here
i have played around in the lost and found
and dr anthea's psychiatrist office
and in one or two others spaces here
its so easy to fit myself into these spaces realities
and i have a two fold question
one is that it would be fun to embark on a 'tour' or expedition here visiting all the old
spaces... exploring them like one would an old castle or haha shed... and the question is would you and some of your pals like to do this and if so could i be a part of the project?
question two concerns that maybe this place may horror of horrors shut down
and i would like to find places on the internet
that have a similar feel
where folks roleplay or adventure in spaces
like this place has
and... would you know of any of those places?
i havent a clue i dont even know what words to use to find them
and maybe there are tons but not many of quality
i am soooooo sorry
fluffykerfuffle Posted Mar 4, 2011
i am sooo sorry i dunno what happened but the no subject thread to your messages was a preview at my end and is not the finished product...
'hello' is the finished thread posting
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