This is the Message Centre for U168592
Well. Hello.
U168592 Started conversation Aug 12, 2017
I thought I'd come back for a bit, check out the scenery. Could do with a spruce up around the place.
Well. Hello.
U168592 Posted Aug 12, 2017
Hey Icy Why yes, taking a look around it seems a bit... sparse.
Thought I might do some online socialising as such and check in with some of the ol' gang.
But there aren't many of them about by all accounts. *shakes fist in air* Damn you...uh...who are we blaming?
Well. Hello.
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Posted Aug 12, 2017
some of us are still here... awaiting the return
or... just failing to find anything more productive to do
Well. Hello.
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Posted Aug 12, 2017
I always knew I'd be an artist one day!
- I also do a line in very surreal modernist sculptures.... but they're for when I'm really* boared and can't even mu muster p the energy to turn the PC on
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Well. Hello.
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