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The Eye of Argon - a Paragorn of Fantasy Literature

Post 1


This story was first published in 1970. It is the gripping tale of an Ecordian by the name of Grignr, the whimsicoracal wench Carthena, and their conflict with his sirenity the prince Agfnd and a cult worshiping a horrible idol. As the story says:

"Gaping from its single obling socket was scintillating, many fauceted scarlet emerald, a brilliant gem seeming to possess a life all of its own. A priceless gleaming stone, capable of domineering the wealth of conquering empires...the eye of Argon."

Perusal of this tome is both entertaining and instructive for its encyclopedic employment of heroic fantasy themes and features as well as for its inimitably creative use of the English language. Surely it is a great inspiration for anyone aspiring to producing works in the genre. Here you can read the entire text, with some classy illustrations included as well:

Courtesy of Mystery Science Theater 3000 the more dedicated among you might wish to study this version which has scholarly annotations added:

The Eye of Argon - a Paragorn of Fantasy Literature

Post 2

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

smiley - snorksmiley - snork I love the second link. Funny syntax. Everybody who reads it, rolls around laughing.

The Eye of Argon - a Paragorn of Fantasy Literature

Post 3

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - snorksmiley - snorksmiley - snork

We are loving this. We are laughing till the tears come. I've never heard of this before.

I did a bit of checking, and the author of this work was 16 at the time, which explains a lot...smiley - whistle

You know what? This needs to be a Guide Entry. How about doing the honours? smiley - bigeyes

The Eye of Argon - a Paragorn of Fantasy Literature

Post 4


Hello Dmitri and Elektra, glad you enjoyed this! As for doing an entry ... all right I'll have a go at it. Will need to schedule it for the weekends, though, I've too much to do in the week. I'll look at a 'proper' literary entry or two here first for a model ...

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