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Giraffokeryx punjabiensis Updated
Willem Started conversation Jul 15, 2010
OK, my previous illustration of Giraffokeryx punjabiensis shows it with a rather short face, similar to that of Sivatherium. When I drew that, the only reference material I had were a couple of photos of a skull, and the skull was missing the front portion. Because Giraffokeryx was rather closely related to Sivatherium, I guessed that it might have a similarly short face. However since then I got myself a nice book about Artiodactyl (a group of hoofed mammals that includes giraffes, deer, cattle, antelopes, pigs etc.) evolution, that had a reconstruction of the same skull AS WELL AS illustrations of the limb bones.
Well, the reconstructed skull shows a much longer, more slender face and snout. And also, the lower limb bones are long and slender, UTTERLY unlike those of the Sivatherium! The book also shows relationships between different giraffe species, and the Giraffokeryx is somewhat more distantly related to Sivatherium than I thought. But all in all it now seems that Giraffokeryx was a long and slender sort of giraffid whereas Sivatherium was a stout and ox-like species. Giraffokeryx, based on the skull and limbs, must have been between the Giraffe and the Okapi in size. It didn't have a long neck like the Giraffe, though.
So here's my Version 2 illustration of Giraffokeryx's face:¤t=Giraffokeryx4.jpg
This was certainly a browsing species.
I'll soon put up a reconstruction of the thing in its entirety.
I'm planning to do some more sketches today ... this time some of those strange 'cameloids' (although perhaps they weren't closely related to camels at all...) with the slingshots on the nose.
Giraffokeryx punjabiensis Updated
AlsoRan80 Posted Jul 29, 2010
Hi Willem,
I have missed you. How are you.
There was a lot about it in part of the country during the recent world soccedr series. It must have brought a lot of publlicity to the country.
Hope you are well and not working too hard. Would love to have your news.
with much affection
Thursday 29th July 291 6.35 BST
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Giraffokeryx punjabiensis Updated
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