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A visit to Koos Cactus

Post 1


This happened a while ago but only now have I found time to write about it. On Friday 28th November I went on a plant-appreciation trip with Cor Grimbeek, a local friend who's also a plant cultivator. We visited Hennie van der Merwe who has a small nursery in Tzaneen, then we set off to the big nursery of Koos de Jager, known as 'Koos Cactus' to his friends due to his great enthusiasm for cacti and other succulents. His place is on a farm a few dozen km outside of Tzaneen.

I always enjoy meeting new people who share an interest in plants. The heavens know, there are few enough of us! So it helps if we know about each other. Hennie and Koos both have very interesting succulent collections. I am mostly interested in the species that are native to South Africa, and also, tropical Africa and Madagascar.

Koos has a HUGE collection, covering all the main groups of succulent plants found in South Africa, and also many African and Madagascan species. He also has many cactus species - cacti, though, are not indigenous to South Africa (apart from a single small species) but from the Americas. He had a great variety of those, too. I was quite amazed at what I saw. I didn't have the time to look at, let alone photograph, half of what I was interested in! I will certainly have to go back again in the future!

The day was enjoyable; Cor and I both 'scored' some nice plants, and I took lots of photos! Interested people can see some of them here:

Please take a look!

A visit to Koos Cactus

Post 2


Willem aren't prickly pears a cactus? I thought they were indigenous to south africa?

Sadly I cannot get in to look at your photogrpahs. there is always so much advertising bumph and nonsense and I nhever seem to know what to click in order to see your lovely specimens.

So glad you enjoyed your day with your friends.



A visit to Koos Cactus

Post 3


Hello Christiane! How are you doing these days?

Yes Prickly Pears are cacti, and no, they're not indigenous to South Africa! They were brought in from the southern USA and Mexico. They 'invaded' the natural veld because of having no natural enemies.

I'm sorry you can't see the photographs! I don't understand why ... you did see the ones of Christiaan, right? Well these are on the same site ... if you could see the one, you should see the other also!

A visit to Koos Cactus

Post 4


Willem, I must admit Webshots can be a bit confusing to me also, but once you have used it you get used to it. I think Christiane has too much on her mind to concentrate on it at the moment.

I wonder if emailing her one or two would work? They are lovely pix.

Websailor smiley - dragon

A visit to Koos Cactus

Post 5


Christiane, if you look in, try this. Click on Willem's link. Once you get the page up with his thumbnail photos move across to the right of the screen, level with the first row of photos, and you will see a box that says Email, Share and Slideshow. Click on Slideshow and his photos will come up at a pleasant speed to watch.

smiley - goodluck

Websailor smiley - dragon

A visit to Koos Cactus

Post 6


Thank you for the good advice.

when my head is not spinnig I shall try it.


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