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Post 1


I just dropped by to ask if you got your book published and, if so, what your experience of publishing was.


Post 2


Hello Mvp and thanks for dropping by! I got my book on Amazon - you can find it here:

How does that look?

It wasn't too hard to get it on there. Now for the next book! It's been up there a couple of weeks, and I've got three sales so far! I haven't yet 'marketed' it much ...

How are things going with your book sales-wise?


Post 3


Your book looks good.smiley - smiley

When I put Dreaming in Stone on Createspace, I came up with a 'marketing strategy'. It only amounted to contacting friends, putting a piece on h2g2 and on Facebook and Twitter, sending pieces to local papers, the magazine of the University of the Third Age etc. I also put a blurb about the book on IAuthor -

I sold about 20 copies in all, I think, then sales dried up. I haven't
done any more to publicise it - I don't honestly think it's that good!
I wish you success with yours.


Post 4


Congrats actually on selling 20 copies! I'd actually love if I sell that many. And don't be down on your own book! I'd love to read it - it's a bit difficult for me to buy it here from South Africa but I'll see what I can do ...

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