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That time again

Post 1


Tune up for the ride

smiley - biker

That time again

Post 2


15/20 on the collision trap test.smiley - blush

That time again

Post 3


smiley - yikes

You are *so* not riding my FJR smiley - tongueout

That time again

Post 4


Well, I'll do an online testy thing with a beer at my elbow. Riding would be a different matter.smiley - smiley

That time again

Post 5


Yes it is...

smiley - oksmiley - winkeyesmiley - cheers

That time again

Post 6


Despite the New Age Motorcycle Maintenance aspects of that story, I have no doubt about the truth of the conclusion.smiley - smiley

That time again

Post 7


'New Age Motorcycle Maintenance' smiley - biggrin

Back in, as the saying goes, 'the day', when motorcycles were far less technically advanced/reliable, it was not uncommon for a motorcyclist to be compelled to use a good deal of ingenuity and improvisation to keep the darn bike running.

My brand new 1975 Norton nearly stranded me on the maiden voyage when the cluch cable snapped, (caused by it not having been lubed either at the factory, or by the dealer). Fortunately I had a pair of vice-grips in my jacket pocket, and by clamping them to the end of the cable managed to ride the thing home.

I still enjoy doing my own wrenching, but now there are far fewer maintenance chores, and mostly I can just, y'know, ride.

That time again

Post 8

Baron Grim

I've been told that you can still ride with a broken clutch cable. I have managed to shift without the clutch while moving, but I did get stranded when I had one break. There is just no way I could get my VTX1300 from N to 1 without killing it. Luckily, I wasn't far from home and a lift to the parts shop. My new 1800 wouldn't be any easier, I'm sure.

That time again

Post 9


I had a similar experience (many times) in my old VW bus. Broken clutch cables became so routine that I habitually avoided using the clutch except when I had to go from a dead stop on flat ground.

The gas pedal also had a habit of falling off.smiley - biggrin

That time again

Post 10


>>I've been told that you can still ride with a broken clutch cable. I have managed to shift without the clutch while moving, but I did get stranded when I had one break. There is just no way I could get my VTX1300 from N to 1 without killing it<<

Yeah, clutchless 'speed shifts' are possible, and some riders do it all the time. Careful throttle control and a firm shifting style make it happen. The potential for serious damage to the shift forks/gear teeth is too great for me to make this a habit. Also, I'm not quite a hoon, despite riding a sport-tourer!

Problem with a broken clutch cable is, as you suggest, starting out from neutral into first gear! In my case, the annoyance/difficulty factor increased hugely due to the Norton's lack of an electric starter smiley - erm

I only used the vice-grips to pull the cable for neutral to first gear and launching. Once she was rolling, I used the clutchless speed shifting technique to get up to speed. That I had to navigate from U of Victoria back through city streets to the dealership made it an adventure I could well have forgone smiley - rolleyes

That time again

Post 11

clzoomer- a bit woobly

A UVic boy! When were you there? I did one semester in 1970. Was the dealership in Oak Bay?

At that time I was at the start of my MGB fixation although didn't get a '68 until 1971. Five in total over the years.

I never did 'get' bikes, probably because my dad did.

That time again

Post 12


I attended U of Vic from '70 - '74.

Were you the one who started that huge food fight in the cafeteria? smiley - flan

I bought most of my bikes from Mullins Marine. Can't recall the street address, but it wasn't in Oak Bay. Probably Fort St. or Yates

I recall helping a high school classmate restore an MGB. He was aesthetically challenged, and had it painted white smiley - yuk

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