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How long could you survive...

Post 1


... in a Mormon biker gang?

smiley - evilgrin

How long could you survive...

Post 2

Baron Grim

Drat. I don't know my ranking. I'm on my tablet so it let me answer the questions but
it didn't give me the results. smiley - doh

How long could you survive...

Post 3


It just kept cycling through for me, too.smiley - erm

How long could you survive...

Post 4


I only made it through 3 cycles....

smiley - erm

smiley - biker

smiley - winkeye

How long could you survive...

Post 5


After a bit of time outside in the blizzard (it's been snowing constantly for almost 24 hours now) lighting my two home-made tin can rocket stoves with my pocket fire-steel/knife and some dryer lint and staying warm for a bit, I came in and looked at the subject line of this new convo and thought "'indefinitely!' I'll tell these soft, urban dastards!"

Imagine my disappointment when I saw what the thread was actually about.smiley - smiley

How long could you survive...

Post 6


smiley - laughsmiley - tongueout

Supposed to snow here today & tomorrow.

I'm sick of winter.

I want to ride my motorsickle, dagnabit! smiley - grr

How long could you survive...

Post 7


The last few weeks I've been seeing all sorts of scooters scooting about town. We've had more winter in the last twenty-four hours than we have since last year, it seems.

How long could you survive...

Post 8


"dryer lint" and "soft, urban dastards"

Riiiight. You rugged, back-to-basics pioneer, you! smiley - rolleyes

How long could you survive...

Post 9


smiley - laugh

It's not like dryer lint grows on trees, you know.smiley - erm

How long could you survive...

Post 10


Was in Hongcouver for a couple days. Saw a few bikers dodging the deranged cagers.

You wouldn't believe the absolute mess that's been made of the freeway from a few miles east of Port Mann almost into the city smiley - yikes

It was horrible before, and now it would cause Escher to turn green with envy! I'll be heading that way again in 5 weeks or so, and will plan to take an alternate route, if I can.

Are you taking any pics of the snowstorm? smiley - bigeyes

How long could you survive...

Post 11


I thought about doing a little video while driving today, buy, really, it's kind of dull: white with a few bits of grey to brighten things up.smiley - smiley

They were talking about 15 cm over the course of the storm. considering that the ground was basically bare and the roads were dry and ice free, its not that exciting, really. after last year's epic snow and the complaints about the City's response, together with the savings so far this year, the snow removal budget is very flush and I expect the streets and sidewalks will look like mid-summer by morning.

How long could you survive...

Post 12



I've just spent ten minutes or so attempting to find some images of the highway approaches to the new Port Mann bridge twinning project.

I found some cam shots of the project itself, but nothing showing the nasty parts.

Maybe next time I travel down that way I'll take some side road or other and shoot some video.

It really is quite awful smiley - erm

And now I'm signing off, to watch 'Treme', which was recommended to me... smiley - cool

How long could you survive...

Post 13

Baron Grim

I just got a Go Pro camera.... Now I wish I had some hairy roads in my area to record on it. I can mount it to my helmet or my handlebars. smiley - biker

How long could you survive...

Post 14


"..I wish I had some hairy roads in my area to record on it."

Those ride videos seem to be quite popular, but I just get bored, or slightly nauseated, watching them. smiley - ill

I'd much rather stop the bike at a scenic spot, and at least try to do some good photo/video shoots.


But for 'hairy roads', you should wait for a couple of months, then point your scooter north and come for a visit. There are some really nice twisty/hilly/hairy bits up this way

eg. here's one example - Hwy 3 between Osoyoos to Rock Creek --,+BC&daddr=Rock+Creek,+BC&hl=en&sll=49.027514,-119.231529&sspn=0.142048,0.359459&geocode=FSwp7AIdLhvh-ClnHWViscWCVDHMD3tUbZg4kQ%3BFQR47AIdzzfo-CkVfH9xBa6CVDH9Yt1390oxHQ&oq=rock+creek&mra=ls&t=m&z=11&source=gplus-ogsb

And many, many others. It's a biker's paradise smiley - bigeyessmiley - biker

How long could you survive...

Post 15

Baron Grim

Oooh, that would be nice.

How long could you survive...

Post 16

Baron Grim

I just took that quiz again on my work PC and it still won't give me a rating.

Anyway, I know already. I wouldn't last long with Mormons. They'd be a whole lot more fit than I am and I wouldn't be able to stand their company and they wouldn't like mine either.

How long could you survive...

Post 17


I'm pretty sure that quiz never provides a rating. Like most religious stuff, in my experience, it just keeps going in mind-numbing circles

smiley - evilgrin

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