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taliesin Started conversation Aug 20, 2011
FJR, actually. And it isn't an acronym.
It's my Yamaha FJR1300 sport touring motorcycle
Purchased new mid-March, with 0Km on the odo, I have managed to put over 9000Km on the clock, despite the unusually damp Spring/early Summer we had here in Canuckistan.
I ride every chance I get -- mostly solo, but sometimes with another biker bud.
Next summer I plan to take a couple of weeks, and do a real road trip somewhere, but this year I'm happy to explore the many scenic local country lanes
So, now you know one of the main reasons I'm not hootoo-ing much lately...
Baron Grim Posted Aug 20, 2011
With the drought we're having here I so rarely drive my car these days I worry about the battery staying charged. I'm also having trouble keeping my food stocks up as normally I do my shopping on rainy days when I leave the bike at home.
A friend of mine had an FJR. He was a bit of speed demon on it. He only traded it because his girlfriend wanted something more comfortable and he got a big cruiser.
clzoomer- a bit woobly Posted Aug 20, 2011
Welcome back Tal!
Beautiful place to cruise on a bike! I*ll be traveling through for work in a month or so, hope to have another quick visit if it works!
taliesin Posted Aug 21, 2011
>He was a bit of speed demon on it<
It's almost impossible not to go fast on an FJR. It will hit over 200KPH in 3rd at redline, and cruises quite comfortably at 160KPH
The bike just wants to goooooooooooo
On riders are referred to as pilots.
It's easy to understand why when you ride one
I really have to watch my speed...
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