A Conversation for Oscar Wilde - Playwright and Wit

oscar was wilde!!

Post 21

Dorian Gray

Just got back form Spring Break. How are you. My backlog os insane, I din't check h2g2 for a whole week. AHHHH.


oscar was wilde!!

Post 22

Marie Rivendell

I haven't been around here much either... homework overload & birthday (the first is still plaguing me, so I'll have to go. But I'm Fine)

oscar was wilde!!

Post 23

Dorian Gray

Now I haven't posted since Apr.
My Back-log will take years. So in the spirit of the procastination guild, I'm putting off reading it until tomorrow.
Sorry I missed it but happy birthday.


oscar was wilde!!

Post 24

Marie Rivendell

oh my, you still exist--- as do I... (The last being the biggest surprise). It's been a while since I was here

oscar was wilde!!

Post 25

Dorian Gray

who me? yes i still exist


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