A Conversation for Oscar Wilde - Playwright and Wit

oscar was wilde!!

Post 1


a prolific writer and as u say a great wit with an amusing way of getting to the truth ov human behaviour with charm and witticism! exceptionally well writte and informative piece..bravo!

oscar was wilde!!

Post 2

Marie Rivendell

Yes, he indeed was... I'm doing a comperative essay on Oscar Wilde and DNA, anybody got any brilliant ideas for that? anyways, got to get on with it.
Marie Rivendell

oscar was wilde!!

Post 3

Dorian Gray

I don't have any off the top of my head. But Oscar wrote some F*cked Up stuff. It was all so dipressing.

heart of Darkness

oscar was wilde!!

Post 4

Marie Rivendell

essay's long gone anyway....what do you mean depressing?

oscar was wilde!!

Post 5

Dorian Gray

Take the Happy Prince, notably one of Wilde's greatest works. It ends with the greedy city government fight over the who will become the next statue, and the stripped down prince in being melted, not to mention the faithful sparrow freezing to death. I don't know your definition of depressing but is nearly there.

heart of Darkness

oscar was wilde!!

Post 6

Marie Rivendell

okiday, but I've only read his plays so far, and they're bloody amusing... Haven't even read the novel that bears your name.

oscar was wilde!!

Post 7

Dorian Gray

Definately read A Portrait of Dorian Gray. It's wholly strange but relly good peice of liturature.


oscar was wilde!!

Post 8

Marie Rivendell

I will... I have it right here on my bookshelf, but I am op to my neck in homework right now, have to finish a history report on the development, importance and encouragement of English archery throughout The Hundred Years War... and write a speech in english on a subject I chose for this contest which can win me a trip to England... But I shal try to read it sometimes, have read bits of it already, and thus understand the deepest core of you?? smiley - winkeye
Anyways, "peice"?? Have you read "Men at Arms" by Terry Pratchett? It ain't excactly Oscar Wilde, but it is bloody good and you ought to read it... then you'll know why I quote "Peice".

oscar was wilde!!

Post 9

Dorian Gray

From that amount of load I'm going to make an educated geuss that you are either a soft, or jun, in college.


Ps. Your not the only one, last weekend I had
1. german test to study for.
2. lot o' germen homework
3. one paper on the etymologyof the word DOPE
4. an essay on how I use the words lady, women, girl, female
5. a calculas chapter
6. I had to start work on a research paper for next tuesday.


oscar was wilde!!

Post 10

Marie Rivendell

I suppose what I'm doing might equal college... I'm in my 12th year of school anyway, except here what I'm doing is called the Gymnasium, but has nothing in particular to do with Gymnastics, though, that's just what it's called (if you wanna try to make an educated guess of my homecountry, feel free... but no peaking at my personal space... I can reveal that I ain't one of you Bushy people... though our chap in charge really isn't much better. I didn't vote for him, I'm not old enough... Oh bugger, my conversation slipped into a bracket again, they do that all the time... smiley - smiley)
Oh damn, that history-thing is eating me alive!!!!
Weel... you don't like country? Do you know Joni Mitchell by any chance?

oscar was wilde!!

Post 11

Dorian Gray

I know about the Gym, system they use it Germany.


oscar was wilde!!

Post 12

Marie Rivendell

weeelll, I'll let that pass. Denmark isn't quite Germany, but we do have common boundaries....

oscar was wilde!!

Post 13

Dorian Gray

Hey, I just said I knew about a contry that had the same system. And whats so had about the Germans?


oscar was wilde!!

Post 14

Marie Rivendell

nought, they just aren't Danish... and I am... just took it for a guess, that's all. and sometimes people do tend to confuse Denmark with Sweden, Norway or Germany

oscar was wilde!!

Post 15

Dorian Gray

No, I think you have something against us Germans.


oscar was wilde!!

Post 16

Marie Rivendell

Aren't you suppposed to be an american? Or that was just a freak of your profile?

oscar was wilde!!

Post 17

Dorian Gray

My fathers grandfather left Germany in 1936 because of the nazis. And on my mother's side I'm all irish.


oscar was wilde!!

Post 18

Marie Rivendell

cool..got read hair an freckles? I'm way back Belgian, some people who left because they were harrassed for their religion

oscar was wilde!!

Post 19

Dorian Gray

Interesting I don't know any bel


oscar was wilde!!

Post 20

Marie Rivendell

me neither...

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