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And my nomination for the most poor pub quiz question ever is...

Post 1


Got this last night, what a joke.

Which animal has no vocal chords?

smiley - huh

Riiiiiight. Leaving aside entire phyla and classes such as *all* invertebrates, he (the quiz master) followed this up with...

"It's tall"

thereby telling everyone that the answer was Giraffe.

So it wasn't even a question.


Lesson 2 from the weekend was. Never use acitmel as a yogurt substitute in a curry sauce. I made a punjabi style black eyed pea Dahl and having forgot to buy yogurt I thought I'd use two of my actimels instead.
It kind of worked OK but one couldn't get rid of the smell and essence of blueberry (yes they were flavoured ones), which rather spoiled the whole thing.

And my nomination for the most poor pub quiz question ever is...

Post 2


And having just done a vague google on this question and got sidetracked I have learned that...

Cat's urine glows under a blacklight

Well I'll be. smiley - wow

And my nomination for the most poor pub quiz question ever is...

Post 3


well I'll have to give you 8/10 for inventiveness with the blueberry Dahl! Be sure to trade mark it otherwise you'll find some TV chef nicking it off you smiley - winkeye

And my nomination for the most poor pub quiz question ever is...

Post 4


I don't think it will be winning any awards smiley - yikes

I just had one of the drinks for my lunch and the whole thing has now just put me off the blueberry flavour it seems. Just the smell had me gagging nearly.

Oddly, when we had this meal first on Saturday evening, it was quite nice, with just a hint of blueberry at the outset of a taste. But yesterday we (tried to) finished it off after the stupid pub quiz and neither of us could eat it as it was now much more powerful in blueberry apparrently smiley - erm

And my nomination for the most poor pub quiz question ever is...

Post 5


We've had a few classics. What springs to mind is "Who is Britain's highest living author?", which the quizmaster duly repeated without realising it was in any way odd.

And my nomination for the most poor pub quiz question ever is...

Post 6


Doesn't J. K. Rowling live at the top of Ben Nevis? smiley - winkeye

And my nomination for the most poor pub quiz question ever is...

Post 7


So that explains the answer.

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