This is the Message Centre for Captain Zog, Thingite Ambassador to the little people, back from his wanderings at last

I see that you're new here?

Post 1

Jessi Q

Hi Steve,
I'm new here too I just wanted to say hello and maybe find out more about you.
Hobbies: ( Other than the Internet)
Favorie/Worst: Song,Film,Book,TV Programme...
Talk to you soon!smiley - smiley

I see that you're new here?

Post 2

Captain Zog, Thingite Ambassador to the little people, back from his wanderings at last

I enjoy spending time at friends houses, like terry pratchett books and one of my favourite programmes is the simpsons. Happy?

I see that you're new here?

Post 3

Jessi Q

Thanks Steve,
I don't like Terry Pratchett much, I'm more of a Stephen King fan, I like the Simpsons though...
Hope you're enjoying it here, have you thought of anything to write about yet? I haven't...
smiley - smileyJessi

I see that you're new here?

Post 4

Captain Zog, Thingite Ambassador to the little people, back from his wanderings at last

I have no idea what to type an article on either. Visit [URL removed by moderator]its my friend megadav's site, it's pretty cool.

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