This is the Message Centre for Wandering Bear

Nice to meet you Mr Bear

Post 1

Jessi Q

My name is Jessi.smiley - smiley
Californiasmiley - starsounds much better than Michigan frostbite!
Wherever you are enjoy life...And always remember- there's no place like home...
Speak to you soonsmiley - smiley

Nice to meet you Mr Bear

Post 2

Wandering Bear

Actually, I'm not a Mr. But thanks for the welcome, anyway.

There is no place like home . . . but sometimes, too much of a good thing is not so good. I just need to get away for a while. The sooner the better!

Nice to meet you Mr Bear

Post 3

Jessi Q

Ms Bear,
That was extremely sexist of me wasn't it...It's just men always do seem like lost souls when they move to a new place so...
So if you get to see the Califoniansmiley - star, what are you going to do once you get there?
Speak to you soonsmiley - smiley Jessi

Nice to meet you Mr Bear

Post 4

Wandering Bear

Oh, that's okay. I thought it was pretty funny, actually. smiley - smiley
If/ When I get there . . . I think I'll go to the beach! Warm weather sounds nice to me.

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