This is the Message Centre for Valence

Hi I'm....

Post 1

Jessi Q

Hi I'm a gal, I'm 14(02/02/86), my postcode says Cheshire but since I can see the Mersey when I look out of my window I disagree! I've never read a Hitchhiker book in my life and I'm a Christian...The only thing we have in common is the fact that we are both new here this week...Howdy neighbour!
Hope to here from you soon! smiley - smiley

Hi I'm....

Post 2


happy new year! Maybe we do have something in common.... i'm in concert,jazz, and marching band,forensics(speech competition), Quiz bowl, track, choir, and drama. However, i dont have the internet at home, i access it at school.


Post 3

Jessi Q

Happy New Year...
I'm in choir too and over Christmas I lost my voice because of all the carols I sung.
I love GOOD Drama, I cannot stand bad acting hence the reason why I don't watch Melrose Place. I also like English Lit.
I have no idea what a speech test is, please enlighten me.
Have you found any cool guide entries or places on H2G2 yet, don't keep them to yourself SHARE!!!
Speak to you soonsmiley - smileyJessi.

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