This is the Message Centre for Jessi Q

welcome Jessi Q!

Post 1

Crystal Butterfly

Hello and welcome to H2G2.smiley - hug
My name is Crystal Butterfly and I am an Assistant Community Editor {ACE} one of a group of volunteers to like to meet and greet and hopefully befriend new researchers.smiley - magic
This is an awesome site, and it does take a little getting used to at first.smiley - erm
If you require any help or assistance, please just click the reply button and I'll be back to help!smiley - nurse
Have fun hitchhiking around!smiley - ok

Crystal Butterfly db

smiley - choc?
Did you mentionsmiley - choc
Have a look here: - biggrin

welcome Jessi Q!

Post 2

Jessi Q

Thanks...I'll shout if I need the help of an Asmiley - smiley(Animated)Csmiley - choc(Chocolate)E ? (Editor)

welcome Jessi Q!

Post 3

Crystal Butterfly

smiley - yikes
~glad I'm not mint-flavoured!smiley - biggrin

welcome Jessi Q!

Post 4

Jessi Q

Helpsmiley - nurse,
I've searched the music pages for the duo Savage Garden and they are not there, i want to write an entry about them, perhaps just for fun until I have enough infomation/skill to get it approved...please help...What do I do?
smiley - smileyJessi

welcome Jessi Q!

Post 5

Captain Zog, Thingite Ambassador to the little people, back from his wanderings at last

yeh hi to you too Jessi

welcome Jessi Q!

Post 6

Jessi Q

Forget everything I've said, Jimi X found entries about them already.
smiley - smileyJessi

welcome Jessi Q!

Post 7

Crystal Butterfly

Anything else I can help you with?

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