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Still wonderin' how I got here........

Post 1

Jessi Q

I wonder if anyone else has ever had a similar experience???
You try to translate a letter on BabbleFish and all of a sudden...You're in a differnt Universe,(well, not quite!), HOW DID I GET HERE!!!!!! Where has BabbleFish gone? But all my questions fade as I stare at the community before me, "I WANT IN!!!", I scream.
Now here I am..Confused,perhaps. Lost, certainly, but enjoying every minute of it!
As a student I like to sleep, drink and eat CHOCOLATE, so I may be a while creating my page and getting round to contributing... ONE DAY...ONE DAY.


Still wonderin' how I got here........

Post 2

Jimi X

It's been more than a year for me, and I still wonder about it. I was looking for the Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy Radio Series on CD and I stumbled across this site. smiley - smiley

One good thing, I found the smiley - choc fairly early on. It was near the smiley - cake and smiley - coffee

If you need any help finding your way around the site, feel free to pop over to my personal space - I'm one of the ACEs (Assistant Community Editors) which are essentially the meeters and greeters here on-site.

You can reach me by replying to this forum or by going to my personal space by clicking my name above or following this link


- Jimi X

Still wonderin' how I got here........

Post 3

Jessi Q

Thanks for the advice, I checked your "space" out, you've got quite a few badges there, very impressive, it's like reliving brownies all over again, oooh smiley - choc brownies...Yum Yum.
I know all the advice has been "write about what you know" but I'm pretty new to factual writing, I've always enjoyed writing fiction you see...I don't claim to be talented, not in the least, I'd love to gain experience in fiction writing in a place like H2G2, but as far as I know you do not offer any such service.
So shall I give up on writing fiction and concentrate on factual text?
What do you think, also how has your writing improved since joing H2G2?
Thanks for all your help.
You're asmiley - star

Still wonderin' how I got here........

Post 4

Jimi X

There an h2g2 fiction group on-site somewhere ( ) which is h2g2 Fiction Central.

But for the Edited Guide, only nonfiction will do. I've been a working journalist for about 10 years now, so for me h2g2 hasn't really improved my writing - it's just given me a chance to stay sharp since I'm taking a bit of time off from everyday writing.

But I've seen a lot of people really improve. Some of the stuff in the Edited Guide is done by teens and it's of surprisingly good quality.

As far as the badges, it's just silly - I help out in a number of volunteer schemes here on site. I provide free labor and the site grows and continues to give me a creative outlet. I really do think this is a brilliant idea for a website and I'd love to see it continue to thrive.

But enough of my babblings. smiley - winkeye

Cheers! smiley - bubbly

- X

Still wonderin' how I got here........

Post 5

Jessi Q

Thanks I'll check that out sometime...
You're asmiley - star!!!
Speak to you soonsmiley - smiley Jessi

Still wonderin' how I got here........

Post 6


Odd- this is exactly how I got here too!
Was just trying to get to grips with Babelfish when suddenly- ZOOM!

Read the entry on spoons and it all kind of went from there! smiley - biggrin

Still wonderin' how I got here........

Post 7

Jessi Q

JIMI !!! HELP !!!smiley - nurse
Sorry if you have already recieved this posting...I cannot seem to find it anywhere, I know I've already typed it though.
I've decide to write an entry about Savage Garden - the Australian duo who have released songs like - Truly,madly,deeply and Affirmation.
Can I write a short entry containing just a bit of information and then go on to revise it once I have more info/skill and put it forward to be entered into the guide?
Also where can I draw my info from- books,websites etc and do I have to acknowledge these resources when I write the entry.
Thank you!
You're asmiley - star!
smiley - smileyJessi...

Still wonderin' how I got here........

Post 8

Jimi X

There's already a page started about Savage Garden at Savage Garden so you might want to confer with that Researcher about doing a collaborative project.

As for doing research - the rules are much the same as they were in school, including the need to cite references.

Good luck with it! smiley - smiley

- X

Still wonderin' how I got here........

Post 9

Jessi Q

I obviously didn't look hard enough 'cause I've just pressed search and found loads of matches.
You're asmiley - star Jimi! Thanks for all the advice...
smiley - smileyJessi

Still wonderin' how I got here........

Post 10

Jimi X

Cheers! smiley - smiley

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