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Book Swap Site

Post 1

Devonian Fossil

Hi Sue, link as promised, sorry about the wait.

I've got loads of stuff from here, Mum found the site. She says apparently all you do is put in the ISBN number and it fills in the description of the book for you, then you just sit back and wait for people to ask for swaps. Or if there is anything particular you are looking for, just search to see who has got it and offer them a swap, they will look at your list and either let you know what they want from you or decline the swap. It's brilliant for us avid readers!

All the best
Lisa smiley - book

Book Swap Site

Post 2


Thanks Dev. Found it at last! I will have a look at that link now. One problem is, most of my books are in France but I do have a good supply in the UK as well. May as well give it a go!!

Thanks for your help.


Book Swap Site

Post 3

Devonian Fossil

I should imagine you can do it from France as well, Sue, as long as you have internet access there - postage isn't much different and you can ask the swapper (swappee? - LOL) to send it to your UK address instead of your French address.

Let me know how you get on! I've acquired some longed for items from this site.

BTW, we'll have to have a chat about what you're planning to dispose of, I've got tons of books at home that I'm finished with, although I never get rid of my favourites, and can probably give a temporary home to some of yours (I am a total bookworm, read almost anything except hugely weighty tomes). smiley - hug

All the best
Lisa x

Book Swap Site

Post 4


Hi again Dev,

I am getting used to this h2g2 thing now! I registered on that site but they haven't sent me the confirmation email yet so maybe I will try again - if they let me.

As you say, we must have a chat about all the books we have and want to get rid of etc. I am not on line in France yet as OH really doesn't gel with modern equipment (as he calls it) and he only has just learned out to turn his mobile on!!! I intend to get all that sorted next year when I retire there.

My own email address is [email protected] - I don't take messages on my work one because they are strictly monitored but the hotmail account is fine.

OH has a full list of books over in France (the ones I was going to take to a boot sale) because my first thought was dispose of them in a local English book shop I found over there!! Trouble is, they wanted me to donate them - not pay me for them! Cheek.

Anyway, when I have time, I will let you know what I have.

Have a great weekend.


Book Swap Site

Post 5

Devonian Fossil

Ok Sue, I'll try to have a bit of a trawl through mine as well, am I right in thinking you like a bit of gory murdery stuff? I've got soooooo many books in my loft I'm surprised the ceiling doesn't collapse smiley - biggrin

You could always put your books which are in France on the site anyway and post them when you are over there - my OH despairs of how many books I have, he isn't much of a reader and just doesn't get it. Re-read the Narnia books yesterday (all 7), most enjoyable when you haven't read them for years!

All the best
Lisa x
smiley - hug

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