This is the Message Centre for KaveyF

Not sure if you use this but hopefully... Dinner:

Post 1


Are you still up for dinner sometime?

I'm living in Arkley for the next few weeks, before I move out to the wild of hertfordshire (Borehamwood)

Not sure if you use this but hopefully... Dinner:

Post 2


Oh yes, would be lovely...
I'm off to Bruges in a couple of days and then back next week...
Sometime after that?
I'd love to get you over to our local Italian. Lovely and casual but fabulous food...

Not sure if you use this but hopefully... Dinner:

Post 3


Just tell me what day smiley - winkeye

Not sure if you use this but hopefully... Dinner:

Post 4


What days of week are good for you? We're fairly easy? It's not open on Monday nights...

I think next Thursday would be OK?

Not sure if you use this but hopefully... Dinner:

Post 5


Fine by me smiley - smiley I finish work at 6:30 and it will take me an hour and a bit to make my way up to North Finchley. So 8ish?

Not sure if you use this but hopefully... Dinner:

Post 6


Actually, sorry, if it's going to be a later evening Thursday doesn't work so well - am working the next day. (I usually meet friends at around 6.30 on "school nights").

Let's try and work something the week after... though I'm waiting on work dates so not sure yet. Can you remind me (brain like a seive) in a week or two?


Not sure if you use this but hopefully... Dinner:

Post 7


Yup will do.

Not sure if you use this but hopefully... Dinner:

Post 8


Are you coming to the Chinese this week?

Not sure if you use this but hopefully... Dinner:

Post 9



Had the day off yesterday so diddn't reply to the thread, but I am _definatly_ coming.

Not sure if you use this but hopefully... Dinner:

Post 10


Excellent, see you there!

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