A Conversation for Ma Soba, Cambridge, MA, USA
A498387 - Ma Soba
MagicManZach Started conversation Dec 28, 2000
One for the Life/Food + Drink/Restaraunts area. One of the few restaraunts I have any experience with -- and it's real!
Thanx all.
A498387 - Ma Soba
Mr. Cogito Posted Dec 28, 2000
Ah. I used to eat at Ma Soba myself back in my student days. I'm glad it's still around, and I can agree about the food. Of course, I also have a few suggestions to offer:
1. We'll probably have to lose the map in the edited guide, since it's from one of those map services and is probably copyrighted or something like that. Still, you can leave it in for now I suppose.
2. You should mention that it is a bad idea to leave your food unattended in the outside eating area. I've observed that the sparrows are big fans of the food as well.
3. You should also mention it's located behind the Garage Mall, since that will probably help other people to find it, especially if they've been buying CDs at Newbury Comics.
A498387 - Ma Soba
MagicManZach Posted Dec 28, 2000
'Tis a good point about the map. Thanx for the tips - I'm incorporating them as we speak. When I get home today I'll prob'ly make my own map, that one was just spur o' the moment.
A498387 - Ma Soba
Crescent Posted Jan 12, 2001
Sorry it has taken me a while to get here. This is a good solid Entry that is almost able to be passed through to the Subs, however maybe some descriptions of the dishes, the house specialities, is the cuisine all from a single culture, or is there a mix, is it all traditional, or is there innovation and mixing of dishes? Just somethings I would like to see in the Entry I hope this helps, any questions then please yell
Until later....
BCNU - Crescent
A498387 - Ma Soba
Mr. Cogito Posted Apr 12, 2001
This is a rare entry for a restaurant that I've actually eaten at (well, many times in my student days). I'm just pushing it back up the queue for more comments and to see if MagicManZach is still around.
A498387 - Ma Soba
MagicManZach Posted Apr 16, 2001
I am indeed still around - I just took the weekend off. This article had the sad misfortune of being posted immediately before the BBC shutdown -- anybody _else_ wanna comment? 'Coz it's still one of my best.
A498387 - Ma Soba
MagicManZach Posted May 7, 2001
Hello? Anyone at all?
Scouts? Reviewers? Whomever the BBC decided should do these things?
h2g2 auto-messages Posted May 10, 2001
Editorial Note: This thread has been moved out of the Peer Review forum because this entry has now been recommended for the Edited Guide.
If they have not been along already, the Scout who recommended your entry will post here soon, to let you know what happens next. Meanwhile you can find out what will happen to your entry here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/SubEditors-Process
Mr. Cogito Posted May 10, 2001
Congratulations on your entry being approved for the Guide! The entry will soon be marked recommended as pass to one of the Sub-Editors for editing and eventual inclusion into the Guide. Please be patient, as the Editing Process can sometimes take a while. When the Editor is done, your entry will be marked Pending and then moved on to the Front Page! When that happens, you'll receive an email informing you that it's up on the site and now part of the Edited Guide.
Again, thank you for writing for the Guide. Thanks also to Crescent for his comments. Now go off and have a few dumplings to celebrate.
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A498387 - Ma Soba
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