A Conversation for Surfing in Munich, Germany

Flea Market: A498080 - Surfing in Munich, Germany

Post 1



I'd like to achieve the "edited" status for this entry, because the place
really is a nice discovery in Munich and it doesn't appear in any
printed guides.
So I hope there are no major flaws in my language and you like the
idea of disclosing a small secret in Munich.

So long,

A498080 - Surfing in Munich, Germany

Post 2

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

Hello fellow from Munich! Pleeeeeaaase write *anything* (a single dot will do) to your homeplace, so others can contact you there!

... and don't be disappointed if things take a while here. This is *no* chat group where everybody immediately can see your postings.

A498080 - Surfing in Munich, Germany

Post 3

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

erm... (= äääh), and simply click on my name above this posting to find out more about german natives around here smiley - smiley

A498080 - Surfing in Munich, Germany

Post 4

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

BTW, help on translating words can be found at [URL Removed by moderator]:
surf = die Brandung
surge = die Brandung
surf-boat = das Brandungsboot
surging billow = die Brandungswelle
billows [pl.] = die Brandungswellen [pl.]
surging billows [pl.]

A498080 - Surfing in Munich, Germany

Post 5

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

Hey, chaos!

The title of this entry *really* caught my eye! I think this could be a great entry, but it seems to need a bit more development. You've given some info on the "where", but I'd also like to see the "who, what, when, and why" oh it all.

What do you think?

smiley - smiley

A498080 - Surfing in Munich, Germany

Post 6


I think it could definately do with some work, and has potential to be a unique and entertaining entry.

A498080 - Surfing in Munich, Germany

Post 7

Linus...42, i guess that makes me the answer...

I have to agree, it will make a good entry with a bit of work, but i'm not sure if the researcher is still around...


A498080 - Surfing in Munich, Germany

Post 8

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

I'm starting to think that maybe it's time for a move to the Writing Workshop -- what do y'all think?

smiley - aliensmile

A498080 - Surfing in Munich, Germany

Post 9

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

I second the move.


A498080 - Surfing in Munich, Germany

Post 10

Ausnahmsweise, wie üblich (Consistently inconsistent)


I've seen these surfers. The ones I saw were using a rope to stay in place. That is, they hold on to a rope that is tied to a tree. That way they can surf on the spot.
Is this the technique they always use? If so, may be that's worth a mention.

B.T.W. I'm a displaced Freisinger - kind of.

A498080 - Surfing in Munich, Germany

Post 11

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

Hi, Awü smiley - smiley

As things are, this one will go to the Workshop. You could take it from there and flesh it out to become a full-size entry (credits due, of course)

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Post 12

h2g2 auto-messages

Editorial Note: This conversation has been moved from 'Peer Review' to 'The h2g2 Writing Workshop'.

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Post 13


Completely fascinated by the title! Hope it gets updated with more stuff.
Specifically, is this a "standing" wave? Which is to say, while surfing it, is the surfer stationary with respect to the bank? There are a few places around the UK where this is possible, although most of the people who do it do so in canoes (I seem to remember a place off the coast of Wales called "The Bitches" - any paddlers help me with a location?).
Another worthwhile addition could be mention of the Severn bore, a biannual wave on England's longest river which carried the longest surf ride in the world. Or are these completely off topic altogether? Probably.
Ultimately, I think this entry needs:
(1) Exactly where is it?
(2) What exactly is it? (i.e. standing wave, or what?)
(3) Popularity? (is it heaving with boogie boarders or is it a hardcore few?)
(4) Does it "work" all the time or is it, like the Severn bore, a relatively infrequent occurence?
(5) HOW BIG IS IT? (very important, surfers have to brag about how big the wave is)

Fascinating, as I say. Is the researcher still there?

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Post 14

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

From my few visits at the place, I can tell...
(1) Exactly where is it?
At the southern end of the Englischer Garten (public park, see http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/A447978)

(2) What exactly is it? (i.e. standing wave, or what?)
Yes, a standing wave, created by some obstacle below the surface

(3) Popularity? (is it heaving with boogie boarders or is it a hardcore few?)
Can't tell from the few times I was there, but there's only place enough for 4 or 5 surfers at a time

(4) Does it "work" all the time or is it, like the Severn bore, a relatively infrequent occurence?
As long as there's water (and not frozen or in a dry summer), it's there

(5) HOW BIG IS IT? (very important, surfers have to brag about how big the wave is)
about 60 cm high, could be 1m if there's much water in spring

Fascinating, as I say. Is the researcher still there?
I'm afraid, no smiley - sadface


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Post 15

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

oops, the missing digit of the link is '8'. h2g2 converted the 8 and the ) into a < bigeyes >

Conversation Moved

Post 16

h2g2 auto-messages

Editorial Note: This Conversation has been moved to the new 'Flea Market' Forum.

This is where we move any Peer Review, Writing Workshop or Alternative Writing Workshop Conversations where the original author has *not* posted to h2g2 for three months. This prevents the active Review Forums from clogging up with dormant entries, but in the Flea Market they can be picked up by others and polished off.

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