This is the Message Centre for JonnyDoom (Bassman's son. Please excuse poor spelling!!)
hello Jonny!
Crystal Butterfly Started conversation Dec 22, 2000
Hi there!
How nice to meet you!
I'm a friend of your dad's...
I hope you have a great time here...
See you around!
hello Jonny!
JonnyDoom (Bassman's son. Please excuse poor spelling!!) Posted Dec 24, 2000
Hi Crystal how do I get to the smiley icon page and book mark it?
Coz I only know
And I would like the chocolate lovers page as well?
Please reply Jonny
hello Jonny!
Crystal Butterfly Posted Dec 26, 2000
Those smileys are great!
You just need to click on any smiley you see to be taken to the smiley page!
There's really great smileys, likeand
{very seasonal!}
The Guardian Angels like these:and
To learn to type the ones you like, just hold your cursor above one and a description of the smiley will appear!!
As if by!!
Do you like this one:
And I am sure you will love this one!
Aren't they great!!
The Chocolate Lovers Fan Club is here:
You should go there as soon as you can and ~start off your own thread~ {by clicking on "new conversation" then type something in the title, like "My favourite chocolate" then tell them all about it! You will then get Archangel Galaxy Babe's personal attention.
She also runs the Keepers, so if you want a title of your own, go here: and request one, I am trying to remember if there are anytitles left...hmmmmm
Have a look at the titles already given out {on the Keeper page} then ask for something not already given!
{I don't think I have seen a Keeper of Chocolate Easter Eggs}
hello Jonny!
JonnyDoom (Bassman's son. Please excuse poor spelling!!) Posted Jan 6, 2001
Thanks for the info.
Sorry I could'nt reply sooner the computer is on the frits and Bassman has'nt let me have my own password yet.
My fave smily so far is and I'll look at more soon.
How many more clubs are their apart fron choc lovers club.
From Jonny.
hello Jonny!
Crystal Butterfly Posted Jan 6, 2001
Oh, I should have given you the link for Colonel Sellers Amazingly Huge Guide to h2g2 clubs!
Tell him you are a friend of mine
What title did you choose?
Did you join thelover's fan club?
Shame on Bassman!!
I'm off to find him and throw aat him!
hello Jonny!
JonnyDoom (Bassman's son. Please excuse poor spelling!!) Posted Jan 19, 2001
Hi yet again more computer trouble.
Bassman has done a on it and it works.
The reason I'm called Jonny Doom is coz I was playing Doom 2 and I brought no mercy.
But I'm really an .
Jonny's smiley of the month is.
hello Jonny!
The Kaos Kid Posted Feb 1, 2002
please if you want to speek to me I am naw the kaos kid
Key: Complain about this post
hello Jonny!
- 1: Crystal Butterfly (Dec 22, 2000)
- 2: JonnyDoom (Bassman's son. Please excuse poor spelling!!) (Dec 24, 2000)
- 3: Crystal Butterfly (Dec 26, 2000)
- 4: JonnyDoom (Bassman's son. Please excuse poor spelling!!) (Jan 6, 2001)
- 5: Crystal Butterfly (Jan 6, 2001)
- 6: JonnyDoom (Bassman's son. Please excuse poor spelling!!) (Jan 19, 2001)
- 7: Crystal Butterfly (Jan 21, 2001)
- 8: The Kaos Kid (Feb 1, 2002)
- 9: The Kaos Kid (Feb 1, 2002)
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