This is the Message Centre for Ola Erik

welcome Ola Erik!

Post 1

Crystal Butterfly

Hello and welcome to h2g2.
I'm Crystal Butterfly, and I am an Assistant Community Editor.
If you have any questions about the site or just want someone to talk to, please click the reply button and I will return!
Have fun hitchhiking around!smiley - ok
~Crystal Butterfly db~
p.s. There are some great entries just waiting to be read here:
You may be inspired to write your own entry!smiley - biggrin

welcome Ola Erik!

Post 2

Ola Erik

Hi and thank you!!
I'm just wondering about one thing, I'v read in warius places that it should be possible to change my Researcher number to a name or someting simmilar. But I can't find the rigt buttons to push!!!
Can you help me, please??
And a merry christmas and a happy new year!!!

welcome Ola Erik!

Post 3

Crystal Butterfly

Yes, I can help you!
Just click "Preferences"
then where your name is, delete it and type in your new name.
Then click "update details"
Then "My Space" to get back to your page.
Hope this helps!

Crystal Butterfly db

latest conversations

Post 4


Hi, I'm new to this. Any way of finding the most recent conversations
without ploughing through all the threads?

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