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cosmic trigger

Post 1


Yesterday seemed stewed from the cosmic slop. coincidences abound. and not just around me, it appears.

the day began with muriel telling me about her dream; blue painted people dancing around in a ritual enciricled in pink light.

with hopes of releiving a headache i woke with, i make coffee and pour in some homemade 'bailey's cream'. that does the trick.

to avoid xmas traffic, i Intentionally did not go out until later in the evening(around 8) to go to the thrift store to try and pick up a tape deck i had seen.

Later, i end up at a coctail party of friends of friends. At one point, some one behind me, as they were leaving said,"be seeing you", to which i whirled about, "what did you just say?!" we discussed the prisoner and it being the subject of the last simpsons.

Then, some random conversation leads from Tangerene Dream to A.C.666 in 2 beats. Not only that, the guy i was talking to knew all about Crowley and whatnot. we discussed the book of lies, tree of life=xmas tree paralell, and info was exchanged. it was as if all the lines of the web had converged on that spot.
very interesting day...

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cosmic trigger

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